It is SO hard to believe it has been almost ONE YEAR since this blog began. In just 16 days I will have a 1 year old. It just does not seem possible!
I have had a few people ask me how things are going with Lucy. My intention was to keep this blog updated, but our busy life has kept me from doing that. So, here is a little update on Lucy.
The thing with premature birth and NICU babies is that you never know what their progress will be like afterward. Usually babies are delayed quite a bit, especially micro-preemies like Lucy. Mason was 10 weeks early and seemed to lag behind around 10 weeks or more in a lot of areas for a while (crawling, walking, etc). I expected Lucy to be way behind because of her tiny size and gestation (29 weeks). We decided to get ECI (early childhood intervention) to follow her and make sure she was doing okay.
Well....I am happy to report that we are about to be fired by ECI. Meaning, Lucy is developing just fine. In fact, she is more on target with a baby her actual age than her adjusted age (11 weeks younger).
-She is crawling like a champ-She pulls up and cruises on furniture
-She stands in the middle of a room
-She will take 2-4 steps sometimes (might be walking by her birthday?)
-She will eat ANYTHING you put in front of her, but is just now getting teeth
-She says "mama", "buh-ba" (brother), "ay" (yay), "hi", "ba-ba" (many meanings- bottle, baby), "bi-pa" (diaper), "ma" (more), pap (Pappy),
-She LOVES to Pat-A-Cake and I catch her doing it by herself all the time. The "roll um up" part is so cute with her little hands.
-Her favorite toys are her "babies"(Little people characters), Minnie mouse walker, rubber elephant, and anything with a tag.
-Her favorite games are to "get brother", being chased while crawling, having her ribs tickled and pat-a-cake.
-She is obsessed with the show Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She has no use for TV unless she hears that show come on. She stops anything she is doing to watch Mickey.
She is just so much fun and such a sweet baby. She rarely gets upset unless she is hungry or tired. We have seen a couple of specialists to make sure she is on track and she passed all of their testing easily.
There really is not a lot to report besides that. We have kept her inside mostly, so far, because of RSV season. She received shots monthly, but was still at risk. Luckily, that is coming to an end and I can start taking her with me in public. Very excited about that! :)
Again I want to thank everyone for their prayers this past year. The first few months of Lucy's life were very tough and we could not have made it as easily without the support and prayers of our friends and family. THANK YOU!
(the reason we raise money and walk!!!)
In May, we will be participating in the annual Preeclampsia Promise Walk. We have walked it every year that it has been in DFW since Mason was born. It is VERY important to us since Preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome caused both of our babies to be born early. We really want to raise awareness and ultimately find a cure to keep this from happening to others. Our goal is to raise $2500 this year. The last few years we have been one of the top fundraising teams and one of the biggest participating teams. We would LOVE to invite everyone to participate with us this year. You can join our team or donate to Mason and Lucy's team here:
http://www.promisewalk.org/pfpw/teampage.asp?fundid=4484Ways you might want to donate:
$10- Mason was 10 weeks early
$11- Lucy was 11 weeks early
$21- Combined weeks early
$23- Lucy weighed 2lb 3oz
$32- Mason weighed 3lb, 2oz
$69- Number of days Mason was in NICU
$83- Number of days Lucy was in NICU
$152- Combined days they were in NICU
Also this year we will be selling team shirts for anyone that would like one. I do not have a price just yet, but if interested I am getting a list together so I can send info once I have the final design. The purple color will match on the final shirts and the verse more prominent. They will be a white baseball tee with purple sleeves. It will look something like this...
Here are some monthly pictures from birth until 11 months...