Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I am way behind on updates!  Lots of people have stopped me to ask about Lucy and say "I sure miss your blog updates."  So sorry.  After Lucy came home, I kind of put the blogging on the back burner.  Someone requires a little more attention from me at home than she did in NICU!  ;) 

Lucy is doing great!  However, she is still a light eater and I am worried about her weight gain.  I am trying to not worry so much, but she should be eating about 5-8 ounces more a day than she is right now.  I know she is gaining weight, but not sure it's enough to please the doctor.  We will find out in a couple of weeks.  On the plus side, she is SO happy and meeting milestones...some way ahead of what she is expected to do.  So maybe I shouldn't worry so much!  ;)  I think that is what NICU mom's do though...or any mom for that matter.

As far as milestones go, she is being monitored by ECI (early childhood intervention).  They came out and assessed her in 5 different areas.  In order to receive services from them she has to be behind in 1 or more of the areas.  Because she was 11 weeks early, she is looked at based on a baby that is 11 weeks younger than her.  Well in a couple of the areas (communication being one) she was ahead.  A couple of areas right on target...and one area a little behind.  So, she qualified.  Basically, she could not lay on her tummy and hold her head up.  Well at the second visit she still could not do it...at least that is what I told her therapist.  She put her on her tummy and the stinker held that head up high and she passed her test!  Then I asked about rolling over and she said probably another month or two...well 3 days later and sister rolls over with ease!  :)  She babbles and smiles and laughs.  Just a happy happy girl!

One thing that we are concerned about is RSV season.  Generally premature babies get RSV shots to protect them from the virus.  It doesn't prevent them from getting it, but definitely reduces the chance for hospital stays.  Well we were told she'd qualify no problem.  Guess what, insurance now has different guidelines and she missed the qualifications by 6 days.  If she would have been 28 weeks there would be no question.  Also if she was under 6 months on October 15 she'd get it no questions.  She will be 6 months 12 days.  Soooooo...we have to wait on insurance and beg for an exception.  Please pray they will pay.  The shots are SO expensive that paying out of pocket really is not an option.  The doctor said if she doesn't qualify we should pull Mason out of Pre-K.  That isn't an option for us either...that is not fair to him!!  :(

Anyway, other than that, Lucy is just a super cute, content baby.  Can't believe she will be 6 months old soon! 

Prayer Requests:
- That Lucy is eating enough and gaining weight along her curve
- That insurance will approve her RSV shots.  I think RSV season is a preemie moms worst nightmare!  :(

Here are some photos!

Most recent taken last night on our walk
 This is shortly after we came home, so it is a couple of months old.  All dressed up with nowhere to go!  ha
 Brother went camping  with Gramdma and Grandpa and we stopped by for a visit.
 Four months old and looking at a toy
 These two...always looking and smiling.
 Mason reading Brown Bear to Lucy
 First time to notice all the toys hanging from her mat...big eyes!
 5 months old
 Mason's first day of pre-school

 Picture of the kiddos at Nanny-Rene's house.  It will probably be torn down soon so I needed one last photo with the kids
 Family photo at our dirt piles...they started on our house this week and we come check on it everyday.
 Super Lucy
 What a bond they have!

 Mason playing in our dirt again...almost ready for the foundation to be poured!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We are home...picture post

I will update about our journey home soon.  Long story short, Lucy didn't want to eat by the normal protocol of the NICU every 3 hours.  Once she was allowed to do it her way, she did well, and now we are HOME!  :)
Thank you for your prayers...God is good!!  We ask for continued prayers that she would eat and gain weight and for good reports at all of our follow-up appointments over the next several months!  :)

This post is just a picture overload post.  So, if you don't want to see a ton of pictures i would advise leaving now!  HA.
Just found out we are going home the next day.  One happy momma!
 Some of our favorite nurses in the following pics.  Wish we would have seen more of them for pictures before we left.  So bittersweet.  We were there so long with Mason and Lucy they become like family.  will not miss NICU life, but will miss the sweet nurses!!

 Lucy's doctor (Mason's too).  
 Nurse Nancy, the reason we are home!  She advocated for us and got us out the door.  She was one of our favorite nurses with Mason too.  All I can say is a HUGE thank you to her.  We owe her.
 About to head out the door.  Lucy was tired and yawning!  
 In her carseat ready to go home.
 She looked out the window the entire trip home.  Taking in the big world!
 Home.  Her eyes were HUGE looking around at everything.
 With the painting big brother did for her.
 First time seeing his sister up close.
 First family of four photo

 One happy big brother

 Lil' Sis all ready to go to the doctor
 Not really wanting to be in her carseat...she got over it quickly.
 Waiting on Dr Day
 In their Big Bro, Little Sis shirts
 Some pictures in NICU from several days ago

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Trying to be Patient

It has been quite a while since I have updated the blog.  Mostly because there is nothing new going on.  We have just been in this holding pattern waiting on Lucy to eat.  If it weren't for that we would have been home 2 weeks ago.

She is doing great, gaining weight and being a good girl...other than not taking her bottles.  She now weighs 6 pounds.  The exact same weight that her brother was at this age (10 weeks old).  Of course she has gained more quickly since she was smaller than him at birth.  Her little chin and thighs are getting chubby unlike him.

She was starting to do really well with her bottles over the weekend. So much so, that I was convinced we'd be home by now.  On Monday, she decided that bottles weren't her thing and she'd rather sleep and be tube fed.  It was very discouraging.  She did horrible on Monday and Tuesday with her feeds, not completing any of them.  One of the nurses suggested she may not like frozen breast milk (super discouraging considering I have 200+ bottles of it in the freezer) and to try fresh.  Since then she has woken up and at least tried every bottle, completing most and almost completing the rest.  I am REALLY hoping that she just had that light-bulb moment and realized she likes to eat and it has nothing to do with frozen vs. fresh milk.

Anyway, that is where we stand now.  she was moved to a private room today because the NICU is full and they needed the big open space for new babies coming in.  I think she prefers the quiet though!  :)

Prayer requests:
-Eat, Eat, Eat!!!  That she will complete all of her bottles for 48 hours...that is our ticket home!
- All of her follow-up appointments to be okay---eyes, dermatologist for her hemangioma on finger, pediatrician, etc.
- Last brain scan to be clear
- Safe trip home when that happens...fingers crossed it is soon
- My sanity.  I knew this was the part where we needed patience...mine is wearing very thin.  I can only be away from my baby like this for so long and I have reached that point where feel like I just CAN'T do it much longer.

Pictures...I have taken TONS since my last update, so it was hard to narrow down.  Sorry so many  :)
 My sweet girl!

Grandma's first time to hold

 Granny's first time to hold.  

 Look at those cheeks.
 All stretched out.  Her first newborn outfit...she outgrew her preemie clothes!

 The new NICU board.  Lucy's flower is the light pink one on the bottom.

Looking around in her new room.
 Getting sleepy

 Smiling at Daddy
 Loving bath time.
How big brother has been spending his summer so far!