She is now above her birth weight. She had dropped to 1lb 13.5oz after birth and now weighs 2lb 4oz.
We've been trying to get into a routine at home. Mostly I just sit around and rest still, but hopefully we will figure out a good system soon. It's been nice spending time with Mason for sure, but I also feel torn because I want to see Lucy as much as possible. The nurses assure me that she is loved and cared for and for me to not worry about her. I am trying! ;)
Prayer Requests:
-Heart echo to show no hole today
-Brain scan/brain bleed to be clear or at least getting smaller
-Continued toleration of her food and lots of rest
-For No bradycardia episodes
-Her eye is matting up, so they started eye drops. Hoping it is not an infection...probably just a blocked tear duct, but still pray will get better.
-For our new routine
-For the amazing doctors and nurses that take care for our little girl
And now, for some pictures. Hopefully it's not picture overload! :)
Mason writing his and Lucy's name on the patio Mason's new playhouse
Lucy on Daddy's chest wide awake
Daddy's turn to kangaroo
Lucy's pouty mad face. She is not a huge fan of being disturbed every 3 hours. In this photo notice the orange line is out of her mouth. She is now becoming a pro at pulling all of her lines out. Silly girl.
Daddy holding her so they could weigh her...above her birth weight now! yay.
Holding Mommy's finger
My boys...dinner at Babes thanks to Brady's parents
My sweet big boy, Mason
Lucy's hand and foot print. Hard to tell, but they are TINY.
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