Right now I am just confused and anxious to get more blood work It is a genetic disorder passed down from both parents. It is kind of odd to me because no one on either side of the family has this, so I am unsure of the process on how it is passed on through our genes. Especially since Mason does not have this issue. I have a lot to learn though obviously.
There is always the chance it is false too. It is very common for preemies to have false positives on this test just due to age, but apparently Lucy's numbers were much higher than usual if that is the case. Sometimes antibiotics or being on breast milk less than 24-48 hours could cause elevated numbers too. She was either on or just came off antibiotics and was on milk less than 48 hours when they did the screen. I am really hoping that a combination of all that is the reason...I know I need to not get my hopes up though. More blood work has to be done in the next couple of days to know for sure.
Please just say a prayer for my baby girl. I know that God can work miracles.
I always love holding my girl
Big ole stretch!
Praying for sure. God holds you all in His hand!!