We have had a good week so far. Lucy is doing well with her feeds still and has been tolerating them well. Since the PKU scare they have been really cautious about adding in more calories and protein to her feeds like they do with most babies. However, we got the 2nd newborn screen back yesterday and it was NORMAL so they are giving her a normal diet now. :) God answered all of our prayers on this test.
She had lost some weight at the end of last week and then had a big weight gain today. Some nurses have been weighing her with her cpap gear on and some have not. So, it is really hard to tell what is real weight loss or gain at this point. Today with everything on she was 2lb 10oz, but that may not be 100% accurate.
She turned "32 weeks" today and the doctor decided to trial her on a nasal canula instead of the cpap. From what I understand it takes at least 12-24 hours to know if she will do well on it or not. She was doing great as of 7:00 tonight and had been on it since about 11:00 this morning. So we will see. I hope she does well because she does NOT like the cpap prongs that are put in her nose. Also, I love seeing her little face better and her full head of hair---I think it is going to be red maybe?
Right now we are just gliding along...hoping to keep this up so she will keep growing and getting stronger. :)
I really want to thank all of the people who have helped us out with gas money, food, snacks, baby items, etc. We appreciate it SO much. You have all been so generous and I wish there was more I could do than just say "Thank you!" Most of all thank you everyone for your prayers.
Prayer Requests:
-Next brain scan to show smaller/no bleed
- Continue to do well on feeds and tolerate the extra calories and gain weight
- That she'll do well on the nasal canula and not have to go back to the C-pap
-For the nurses and doctors taking care of these sweet babies
- For the parents of the babies in the NICU
-A prayer of thanks for the results on the 2nd newborn screen being normal!!!!
Some photos:
Lucy's footprints finally made it on the board...she has the butterfly! :)
Look at that face and hair! She has her sensors all tangled up!
Sweet girl.
If you are Interested:
-Since Mason was born due to my Preeclampsia, we have been involved in the local DFW Preeclampsia foundation. We walk every May in the DFW Promise Walk and raise money to go toward research for Preeclampsia and hopefully a cure one day. With Lucy I developed HELLP syndrome shortly after I had her (probably started developing the day I had her). HELLP is a life threatening variant of preeclampsia if not found and treated quickly. All this to say, we will be walking on May 18th in honor of Mason and Lucy who were both born too early due to my Preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome. If you are interested, you can donate to our walk or even join our team. You can go to the DFW page to donate or join the team, Team Mason (Lucy was not here yet when we registered!)
-Several have asked about bringing meals to us. One of my sweet friends set up a calendar on a website called Mealtrain. If you are interested, I am going to direct you there. Please do not feel obligated to do this!! I am just passing on the information for those who have asked. :) Here is the link for that..
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