Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 1-5, An Update

The last 5 days have been a whirlwind in my mind.  I definitely will not be able to cover the entire 5 day journey in this blog post, but hopefully from now on can update every couple of days with Lucy's journey and specific prayer requests for those that have been asking.  :)

After Lucy was born, she was put on a special C-pap machine that helps open up her lungs.  Fortunately, she was never intubated (like her brother was) and is doing amazing with her respiratory care.  She has mostly been breathing what they call room air with her C-pap.  Basically, room air is what we breath...not a more concentrated oxygen.  I don't know all of the medical stuff about it, but she's doing great.

Everyday they check to see if she can tolerate her food.  Her tummy is so immature that it does not always process and they have to stop feeds to give her tummy a break.

The NICU is an up and down journey.  They say to expect 2 steps back for every 1 step forward.  Generally these steps seem to happen quickly. It is not uncommon to get an awesome report only to go back 3 hours later to something scary.  So, that is what the last 5 days has been like.  It is one of the things in NICU life though and very very normal for preemies to experience all of these things.  As a parent, it does not make it a lot easier to realize that though!

So far, they have discovered that she had a heart murmur...basically the hole in the heart that normally closes at a term babies birth, did not close.  In order to fix this, they start by trying 3 doses of medication.  However, the meds can affect her urine output, and if so they have to stop.  Well, after one dose her urine output was not great.  Kind of a catch 22.  We are still waiting on another heart echo, but as of yesterday they could not hear the murmur anymore and her urine output has been great today.  Fingers crossed it just sort of all worked itself out!!!

Her lab work also came back a little off and for precaution they have been giving Lucy antibiotics.  Infections in preemies can occur rapidly and if you let them get bad, they get bad quickly.  It is better to be over cautious than not.  Another thing with preemies is that they generally get over infections just as quick if you are pro-active.  Still does not mean she ever had an infection, could have been as a result of my HELLP actually.

Other than that she has been resting peacefully.  I have even held her a couple of times and she and I both love that!  :)

Like I said, hopefully I can update better and more consistently from now on.

Specific prayer requests:
-That Lucy's heart murmur/hole is closed up and gone
-Lab work comes back infection free
-That Lucy will tolerate her food and begin to grow grow grow (she lost down to 1lb 13.5oz, but did gain a little back yesterday)
-Wednesday she has a brain scan to check for brain bleeds.  This is a routine thing they do at 1 week of age on preemies.  Pray that it is all clear.  There is no indication she has this problem, but it's scary to think about!
-For Mason.  He REALLY wants to see baby sister, but it will be several weeks before he can even see her through a window.  Also, that we can get him back into a routine with Mommy and Daddy.  It's been a hard couple of weeks for him although he is doing awesome.
-For me.  I am tired.  Always!  It is hard trying to heal from all of the stress my body went through with the HELLP/preeclampsia/surgery and trying to pump milk for Lucy and get everything done in a day.  I know I am not the first to do this!  ha.  But pray for my strength and sanity.  Also, just coming to terms with NICU life again and all that it entails.  It's a huge roller coaster of emotions daily.
-For Brady.  He has a lot on his plate taking care of all of us and keeping me sane!
 Mason with the kitty he got for Lucy and the tiger that Lucy got for him.
 Mommy holding Lucy
 Lucy with the T-Rex that Mason drew for her
 Mason wrote their names.  So sweet!
Lucy looking at daddy while laying with Mommy.  So happy.


  1. Gosh Debra, gosh that's about all I can get out. Please know I'm praying.

  2. Praying for your entire family. She is a beautiful girl!

  3. She is Beautiful. ..we are praying for you all!

  4. Debra, my sweet friend...I love you so much! Stand on the promises of God always, it doesn't matter what a doctors report says because God is the Almighty physician and is more than able to heal Lucy. God is good all the time, and although you are going through this, God's got you! I am praying for you and I know others are as well. The word says where their are 2 or more gathered in his name there he rest in that today. Your a great mom and Lucy is very lucky to have you! If you need anything at all even if its a cheeseburger from McDonalds lol....I will bring it you:) However, I can help you in anyway let me know. I speak healing, peace, and recovery for you and Lucy in Jesus mighty name! Abundant blessings to you
    Love always,
