Friday, April 19, 2013

Test results

We were not expecting test results for the PKU until next Tuesday, but they came in today.  When I saw the NICU calling I got really nervous.  When I answered it was Lucy's doctor and he said "Mom, I've got good news!"  That is really all I heard and I actually had to call him back later to make sure I heard him correctly!

Basically, the test results came back MUCH better this time.  It was still a little bit above normal, which is common on preemie babies still being given what they call TPN (fats and proteins and such) in addition to milk.  There is no need for a diet change and it looks like no PKU.  We will still do another round of tests now that she is off of TPN in a week or so to check the numbers once more.

We are VERY relieved to hear that the numbers came down so much and there is no diet change necessary. Now we keep praying that the test next week comes back even better!  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers this week.  We really appreciate it more than you know!  :)

Other than that big news, Lucy is doing great.  She is eating like a champ and growing.  Her bradycardias are now only every once in a while and a lot of times due to her mask being off her nose or something similar.

Her head scan came back still showing a small grade 1 bleed, but it was a little smaller than the last scan so that is good. We are hoping that it will be gone soon.

She's getting baths now and doing well in her new bed.  She got her PICC line out yesterday so now she is only on breastmilk+24 calorie fortifier mixed in.  I am still unsure how her little tummy holds all of that food every 3 hours, but she seems to be digesting it all.

Anyway, as of today she is plugging along!

I took Mason to Chuck-E-Cheese's this morning and we had a great time.  We are starting to get in a little bit of a routine, but we have a long way to go.  It's still exhausting, but we are hanging in there!

We want to thank everyone that is checking in on us, signing up to fix us meals, giving so generously, and most of all praying for sweet Lucy and us.  We truly appreciate everything!!!!

Prayer Requests:
- That Lucy continues to eat and grow well...and tolerate all of her feedings.
- Brain bleed to continue to get smaller and disappear
- That the rest of the follow-up blood tests come back fine on the PKU numbers.  Thanking God for the improved results today!!
- For us to get in a good routine that is not so tiring.

Chuck-E-Cheese adventures (more pictures of Lucy soon)

1 comment:

  1. Praise God!! I do believe He has answered many prayers! We will continue to keep precious little Lucy and you guys in our prayers. Nahum 1:7
