Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Two Weeks Old

Lucy turned 2 weeks old today.  In some ways it seems like she should be older than that and other ways I can't believe it has gone by so quickly.
She moved to a new bed today.  She was in one called the Giraffe bed...the NICU nurses call it the "million dollar bed".  It has easy access if they needed to get in due to an emergency.  Since she is over her birth weight now and doing well on feeds and breathing, etc they were able to move her.
As far as her daily progress she is doing great.  Nothing really to report.  She did have another brain scan today to check on the brain bleed.  we have not heard the results on that yet.  Her eye infection ended up being nothing too major.  The nurses suited up in gowns and gloves yesterday just in case it was contagious, but were back to normal today.  Eye drops should do the trick.  They looked fine today actually.
Mostly we are just waiting on the 2nd newborn screen that they sent off yesterday for the PKU re-test.  It will probably take until next Monday or Tuesday to get the results.  To say this is the longest week of my life is an understatement.  I am trying to remain calm, but it's tough.  I kind of just feel sick to my stomach all the time right now.
Lucy looks great and is a growing girl though.  I have gotten to hold her for 3 days straight now.  Pretty much my favorite time of day.  That, and picking up Mason when I get home from seeing her.  :)
Last time I checked she was 2lb6.5oz.  I forgot to check today, but they will weigh her at 9:00 and we will call in to check after that.

Specific prayer requests:
- The big one...That the PKU newborn screen comes back negative this time.
-The brain scan to show smaller or no bleed
-She will continue to tolerate her feeds now that they are going up on calories.

Some photos:
Lucy's new bed
 Cuddle time with Mommy
 Almost caught her sleep smiles
 Sleepy girl
 Prayer quilt from my sweet and means so much to us.  Thanks to Trisha Taylor for bringing it to me yesterday!!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah for little Miss Lucy! Debra she is looking bigger! Prayers are continued!
